Thursday 12 July 2018

Liposuction Facts | liposuction in hyderabad

Liposuction is a surgical procedure which allows a surgeon to go into your body to remove extra fat deposits and to shape or reshape your body. The excess fat is removed by going under the skin with an ultrasonic probe which will then emulsify the fat and it will be removed with the suction.

Liposuction is not just for the stomach and abdominal area. You are able to get liposuction on many areas of your body including; your hips area, neck, butt, arms, calves, face, or back. You also have the option of getting liposuction done on more than one area at the same time. For example, you could get liposuction on your stomach, back, and arms in the same day.

More men have started to opt into getting liposuction done also. The most common area for men is the chest area to reduce breast size or to remove lipomas, or fat tumors. However, please note than liposuction is not an alternative to a healthy diet and exercise plan. Liposuction only helps to remove the areas of fat that have not responded to a traditional weight-loss method.

Liposuction can be performed by plastic surgeons or by dermatologists, although any authorized physician can perform liposuction. Most physicians professional associations highly recommend training for liposuction, even though no standardized training is mandatory.

Always make sure to ask whether or not your doctor has had specialized training in liposuction and have had success with it in the past. However, there is always the chance of the liposuction procedure having complications. This surgery is a bigger risk for those who have medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease, poor blood circulation, diabetes or who have had surgery recently. Inform your doctor of any medical conditions you might have.

Liposuction surgery has helped many people transition into a healthier lifestyle easier and has also helped to raise the self-esteem and well-being in those individuals also.

Liposuction is the permanent removal of fat. This procedure is recommended only to those who are obese (excessively overweight), as this procedure removes large amounts of fat over several sessions of surgery. Anywhere from four to six liters of pure fat is able to be removed in each session.
The most common areas for women to get liposuction are in the abdomen, chin, hips and thighs. Men have also gone with liposuction to reduce the size of their stomachs.
Liposuction is one of the safest forms of cosmetic surgery there is and is performed as day surgery and requires only the use of a local anesthetic.

Liposuction can be performed on people of all ages, but older patients do not receive the same result, as their skin elasticity is less than a younger person who has tighter skin.

Any procedure, including liposuction, involves many risks and complications. Before going through with the surgery, make sure that the surgeon you have chosen is recommended and has a reputation of being honest and safe.

Sunday 17 June 2018

How to Shape Your Body Instantly with Liposuction

There is no doubt as to how fat-shedding procedures are popular nowadays in a world that has been plagued for vanity. Among the most popularly discussed ways of making one look slim and sexy is liposuction. While liposuction has become a frequently used buzz word, a lot of people do not actually know what exactly is. Here is a short primer on liposuction.

The surgical procedure known as liposuction is intended to diminish deposits of fat in the body to shape and sculpt it. This is done by using a canula a thin tube with vacuum-suction action, to remove fat under the skin. Some procedures use a probe powered by ultrasound that breaks up small pieces of fat to make the removal easier.

Liposuction can be done on various body parts, which includes the thighs, hips, the abdomen, the back, neck, buttocks and face. Depending on where bulges caused by fat deposits are located, you may have them sucked out to shape your body. Liposuction can be useful for people with big bellies, or sagging arms and things. It can also be useful for men who have larger-than-normal breasts.

The liposuction procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon or a specially-trained dermatologist. Technically, any duly licensed medical doctor may perform liposuction, so special training is not required. However it is always safe to have liposuction performed by someone who is experienced with liposuction, and more often than not, such practitioners are those who have received special training.

Since liposuction, especially those performed nowadays, is just a minor surgery, it can be performed in a doctors office as well as hospitals ad surgical centers. Many people prefer to have it done in the doctors clinic since the place is less threatening or intimidating as big hospitals. Wherever the surgery is performed, the important matter is that hygiene should be kept as with any other types of surgeries. It is also important for emergency precautions to be available in case of any untoward incident. Thus it is beneficial to have the surgery performed where there is a hospital nearby.

When looking for a practitioner to perform liposuction it is important for one to be inquisitive. You should ask questions to the doctor about everything there is to know about liposuction until you get a good grasp of what is about to happen. While it is important to trust the practitioner doing the surgery, trust should be earned by checking how much the doctor knows about the procedure. The physician should be able to discuss not only the benefits of liposuction but the problems as well, together with all the precautionary measures to be taken.

You should be watchful of advertisements that promise results that are too good to be true. When choosing a practitioner, it is also important to weigh all factors and not only to look at the cost, you should consult several doctors to make sure that you have all the options. If you inquire about liposuction, you should not be pressured to decide on it at once. This is a surgery and you should have a sound mind when deciding to take it. Once you decided to go into it, you must follow all the instructions of the doctor carefully to make sure you have a successful operation. Liposuction is not for everyone, and before you decide to have it you have to be sure that it is for you.

The dream to be slim is somewhat inevitable nowadays and it is good that there are procedures available to make this happen. To know more about liposuction, contact your Plastic Surgeon in Hyderabad or Best Dermatologist in Hyderabad. You may also learn from the website about the procedure as well as the many publications available out there.

Sunday 15 April 2018

A Beginner's Guide to Cosmetic Surgery

In today's world, whether we like it or not, appearance is important. An unsatisfactory appearance, which can be a result of any of a number of factors, can have severe consequences on the day to day life of the individual.

The major factors that have an impact upon appearance are heredity and aging. When it comes to genetics, of course, different people have different experiences. Everyone's features are different, and in some cases these features are a source of trouble for the individual. Facial features aren't the only thing affected by heredity. While most people may have the idea that body shape can be largely controlled via diet and exercise, the fact is that some people accumulate fat more in some areas than others. This means that, even with a healthy diet and extensive, targeted exercise, most people have a hard time eliminating excess fat from particular areas; common ones include the abdomen, thighs, and below the chin. Aging, naturally, is something that affects everyone, and time makes its mark on virtually every area of the body.

In many cases, cosmetic surgery is the only way to tackle these issues effectively. Luckily, the progress of technologies and techniques means that cosmetic surgery is actually a not inconvenient way of tackling these issues. Virtually all aesthetic issues can be addressed using cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgery isn't as new an idea as it may seem. It was first developed in India around 2000 BC. Surgery for aesthetic purposes crossed a major threshold in terms of popularity with the development of the Hollywood film industry; as today, many film actors and actresses achieved their "sculpted" features at least in part through cosmetic surgery. Now, a wide variety of procedures are practiced around the world, and are priced in such a way that millions of people have been able to undergo cosmetic surgery in the last few years alone.

In the US alone, in the year 2008, over 1,760,000 cosmetic surgical procedures were performed (all statistics collected by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery). 90 percent of patients were women, but the proportion of men undergoing cosmetic surgery continues to increase yearly as well, which may be at least partly because corresponding stigmas have become less pronounced and males are now expected to be concerned about their appearance as well. The top procedures for women in terms of popularity are breast augmentation, liposuction, blepharoplasty (cosmetic eyelid surgery), abdominoplasty (also known as a "tummy tuck"), and breast reduction, while the most common procedures for men are liposuction, rhinoplasty (cosmetic surgery for the nose), blepharoplasty, gynecomastia, or male breast reductionsurgery, and hair transplantation.

People aged 35-50 years are most likely to seek cosmetic surgery; this shows that aging is the biggest factor leading to people taking an interest in cosmetic surgery, perhaps because genetics or features present from birth are usually taken care of at a younger age. Over 70% of individuals state that they are not embarrassed to say that they have received cosmetic surgery, which indicates that cosmetic surgery is a socially accepted practice.

Each type of surgery for cosmetic purposes takes its own amount of time and requires attention to its own concerns. Similarly, the amount of time needed in order to recuperate from a given operation corresponds to the extensiveness of the procedure itself; some operations call for no more than two weeks of rest before the patient can get back to his or her previous daily activities, while certain procedures call for several months of recovery time. During the recovery period, the patient is required to adhere to the instructions outlined by the surgeon with respect to how to treat the area (which may involve applying dressings, compression garments, ointments and so on), what kind of activities to avoid (strenuous exercise or physical activity must usually be avoided for two weeks at the least), wardrobe considerations (after any type of surgery, loose-fitting clothing is almost always recommended; following a face lift, the patient should wear button-down shirts as opposed to pull-over articles of clothing such as t-shirts and sweatshirts, as these can cause damage to the recovering face when being put on), as well as dietary and other considerations (smoking, for example, must be ceased after any type of surgery).

Complications are always possible following plastic surgery, as with any type of surgery. Scarring results from any procedure which requires incisions. Swelling can remain in the short term, while long-term swelling or irritation is a sign that a more serious problem may be present. Some individuals will experience an allergic reaction to anaesthetic, which is used in virtually all surgical procedures. Individuals with certain medical conditions, such as cardiovascular problems, may be considered unsuitable for cosmetic surgery. Consult with a physician in order to determine if cosmetic surgery is a good option for you.

Article Source:

Friday 30 March 2018

Benefits of Non Surgical Liposuction

Liposuction is the word of every mouth in the world of cosmetic surgery. It’s the method of removing excess fat from the body through invasive and non-invasive methods.

Non-surgical liposuction being non-invasive apparently is a method applicable to those people who are looking for a quick weight loss or body trimming.

There are many conditions which a doctor has to look for before recommending a person for any form of liposuction. A person recommended for non-surgical liposuction should be ideal in health overall. This procedure is for people specially looking to shed not more than 10 kg.

Because its a safe and risk free procedure, non-surgical liposuction is preferred over surgical liposuction. It is performed without anesthesia because recovery is instant, without causing any sort of dizziness and drowsiness. Patients can easily get back to their daily life after the session. Unlike surgical liposuction, patient doesn't face bruising and swelling. Only mild soreness and slight soreness in the localized areas can happen. The surrounding tissues do not get affected with any kind of pressure or damage. Results of non-surgical liposuction is long lasting compared to surgical liposuction. Cellulite and stretch marks are much lesser after nonsurgical liposuction. It has also proven to do skin tightening. Nonsurgical liposuction doesn't require the patients to be hospitalized.

Surgical liposuction is painful and stressful because in this process the fats are loosened by beating up and thawing the fatty cells. Taking the help of a cannula with suction pressure, fats are removed. Nonsurgical methods are much easier to perform and not at all painful.

Nonsurgical liposuction can be performed by various ways such as Mesotherapy, Lipotherapy, Lipodissolve, Laser assisted or ultrasonic liposuction, Thermage.

For instance in mesotherapy, tiny needles are used to inject chemicals and compounds on the localized areas which can dissolve the fatty tissue. Results can be seen immediately.

Lipotherapy is another non-invasive method used to remove fats from double chin, nose, mouth, arms, buttocks etc. Non-surgical injections are used to inject the emulsified compounds. These chemicals absorb the fats and are then flushed out of the body.

Lipodissolve is the most recent and popular methods. The application is similar to mesotherapy and lipotherapy. Here, medicines and enzymes are injected into the localized fatty areas of the body.

This branch of cosmetology is very recent and continuous research is carried on to develop the best of technologies. With any luck, one day dangerous cosmetic surgery will be a thing of the past.

Article Source:

Friday 14 April 2017

Liposuction Surgery In Hyderabad


 Liposuction is a procedure that can help sculpt the body by removing unwanted fat from specific areas, including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, cheek and neck. During the past decade liposuction, also known as "lipoplasty" or "suction lipectomy" has benefited from several refinements. Today, a number of new techniques, including ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL), the tumescent technique, and the superwet technique, are helping many plastic surgeons to provide selected patients with more precise results and quicker recovery times.

Tumescent Liposuction
Men and women can accumulate excess fat that is not easily removed by exercise and diet. Prior to the 1980's, extensive surgery was usually required to remove stubborn fatty deposits. Treatment was often limited to a few areas of the body, like the abdomen and buttocks. It involved significant risks and a long recovery. Safe procedures for removal of fat from the face, arms, knees, and thighs were not generally available.

What is liposuction surgery?
In the early 1980's, surgeons pioneered liposuction techniques to remove undesired fat from nearly all body areas including the face, neck, chin, breast, abdomen, hips, flanks (love handles), back, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, knees, calves, and ankles.
 Liposuction surgery also emerged as an effective treatment for certain non-cosmetic conditions of fat accumulation, such as lipomas (benign fatty tumors) and enlarged male and female breasts, as well as to decrease excessive sweating under the arms.

What is tumescent liposuction?
Developed by plastic surgeons in the mid 1980's, a major advancement called tumescent liposuction completely changed surgical fat removal. This breakthrough technique refers to filling the fatty layer of skin with a diluted solution of local anesthesia and other medications prior to removing the excess fat. Use of tumescent liposuction allows dermatologic surgeons to safely and efficiently remove both deep and superficial excess layers of fat with little discomfort, more rapid healing, and improved cosmetic results.

How is tumescent liposuction performed?
The procedure involves injecting large volumes of a solution directly into the areas of excessive fatty deposits. The diluted solution usually contains a local anesthetic and a drug called epinephrine to shrink capillaries and minimize blood loss. After a small incision is made in the skin, a small tube (cannula) connected to a vacuum-like machine is inserted into the fatty layer. Using back and forth movements, the fat is sucked through the tube into a sterile collection system. An elastic compression garment is then worn to help the skin contract and heal. The result is a sculpting of bulging areas into more attractive contours.

 What are the benefits of local tumescent liposuction?
Tumescent liposuction using local anesthesia offers the benefits of fewer skin irregularities, less bleeding, reduced bruising, and a faster recovery. Tumescent liposuction is designed to be performed as an outpatient procedure. Thus, the potential complications from general anesthesia and a costly hospital stay can be avoided. In addition, since the patient is awake, he or she is able to sit or stand during the procedure, allowing the surgeon to check the status of the patient and progress of the contouring.

Why choose a plastic surgeon for your liposuction surgery?
Plastic surgeons pioneered the tumescent technique of liposuction that uses local anesthesia to ensure patient safety. They are trained and experienced in the use of a wide range of surgical, cosmetic, reconstructive, and non-surgical methods to repair and improve the function and appearance of skin anywhere on the body. As skin surgery experts, they are uniquely qualified to treat the fatty layer of skin and are among the Board-certified specialists trained in liposuction during their residency programs.

When is liposuction indicated?
Liposuction is most effective for removing localized fat deposits that do not respond to diet or exercise. Liposuction is not intended as a substitute for weight loss; rather, it is a contouring procedure. It is best utilized in a program of exercise and optimal weight maintenance. The best results are obtained in body areas where there is reasonable muscle tone, good skin elasticity, and fat is not excessive. In cases where there is a significant loss of tone and elasticity, the desired cosmetic results may require a combination of both liposuction and surgical skin tightening to remove the excessive loose tissue.

What happens prior to surgery?
Before surgery, a complete medical history is taken and a physical examination is conducted in order to evaluate the body's condition. During the consultation, the plastic surgeon describes the procedure and what results should be expected. The doctor may also review alternative treatment options and will explain the possible risks and complications that may occur. Photographs are frequently taken before and after surgery.

What happens after surgery?
The local anesthesia injected into the tissue remains for about 24 hours following
 liposuction surgery, greatly minimizing post-operative pain. After tumescent liposuction, most patients are generally alert and able to function without the nausea, grogginess, and the washed out feeling associated with general anesthesia. In fact, patients are encouraged to walk immediately after surgery to enhance the healing process. Patients can usually return to a desk-type job within a few days. Physical exercise may be resumed three to seven days after the procedure.

Is tumescent liposuction safe?
Like all surgery, liposuction carries both benefits and risks. However, when performed by a qualified plastic and aesthetic surgeon, tumescent liposuction using local anesthesia is a remarkably safe procedure with few significant side effects. Infrequent minor complications such as skin irregularity, lumpiness, dimpling, loose skin, numbness, infections, and objectionable scarring (rare) may occur and are usually easily corrected.

What is power-assisted liposuction? 
Power-assisted or powered tumescent liposuction is one of the newer advance in fat removal by plastic surgeons. The "power" in the technique refers to the advanced instruments used to perform the surgery. Traditional liposuction is performed manually whereas power-assisted liposuction uses a mechanical cannula that efficiently removes fatty tissue with increased precision, less bruising and a faster healing time. According to medical experts and patients alike, power-assisted liposuction is a gentler technique than traditional liposuction and is preferred by patients. Your plastic surgeon can advise you on the best methods to meet.

What is water-assisted liposuction?
Water-assisted liposuction or the “Body jet” is a more advanced technique wherein fat is aspirated using a gentle spray of water to dislodge and remove fat at very low negative pressure suction. All major blood vessels, nerves, collagen matrix are preserved ensuring faster recovery and lesser and good body contour. Also, the aspirated fat can be utilised for various other procedures like facial rejuvenation, breast augmentation, scar improvement and stem cell harvest.

What is laser assisted liposuction?
Laser-assisted liposuction is a procedure where a laser probe is used to emulsify fat while bringing about a good collagen remodelling thus resulting in adequate skin retraction. It is used for areas like arms and stubborn areas like gynecomastia and double chin.